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Shreshth Mohan

I am a JavaScript developer based in Bangalore, India. I build applications and data visualisations for the web.

shreshth mohan's mugshot

Data visualizations

Horizontal packed bubble

A force simulation with two modes, combined and split. Also uses Voronoi to implement a layer to improve interaction.

horizontal bubble chart with voronoi pattern


A calendar-like grid of stacked bar charts with a legend that allows for toggling of different parts of the stack.

horizontal bubble chart with voronoi pattern


A bubble chart with an additional direction dimension denoted by the orientation of a custom shape made specifically for this chart.

horizontal bubble chart with voronoi pattern

See all the charts here

Tiny projects

Cropping tool for Twitter

Create polygon-shaped crops, with curved corners and some fun patterns created due to corner cases in my polygon curve code. Some images I cropped using the tool:

img famous person
img famous person
img famous person
img famous person
img famous person
img famous person

Bulls and Cows: A guessing game